Chris Pinto, March 7, 2014


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POPE, CIVIL UNIONS, PUTIN & PASTOR LIVELY Chris discusses a new story about how Pope Francis has now indicated that the Church of Rome may embrace civil unions, while remaining vague about whether those unions would involve gay couples. Yet in the United States, the civil union laws were merely a stepping stone to embracing gay marriage. Is this the direction Francis is taking the Roman Church? And what sort of impact could it have on true believers if the man who is seen by the secular world as the Vicar of Christ fully embraces homosexuality? Could greater persecution against Bible believing Christians be the result? Also discussed is a follow up story on the situation in Ukraine with an email from one of our listeners, along with a story about Pastor Scott Lively and his views on Vladimir Putin. Finally, a new development shows that Pope Francis has been summoned to give an account for crimes against humanity. Will this new charge from the International Common Law Court of Justice gain any real momentum?

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