THE 6TH CIRCUIT COURT ON GAY MARRIAGE Chris discusses the recent decision handed down by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals on the issue of gay marriage bans. The court upheld the right of four states (Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio & Tennessee) to define marriage as between one man and one woman, and to ban sodomy based marriages. Conservatives are celebrating victory, but now the decision will likely move to the U.S. Supreme Court. If so, liberals are predicting that the issue of gay marriage could be decided once and for all, and they seem to expect the court to rule in their favor. On the other hand, conservatives argue that the Supreme Court has already ruled in favor of individual states deciding the issue of marriage for themselves.
Chris Pinto, November 11, 2014
THE 6TH CIRCUIT COURT ON GAY MARRIAGE Chris discusses the recent decision handed down by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals on the issue of gay marriage bans. The court upheld the right of four states (Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio & Tennessee) to define marriage as between one man and one woman, and to ban sodomy based marriages. Conservatives are celebrating victory, but now the decision will likely move to the U.S. Supreme Court. If so, liberals are predicting that the issue of gay marriage could be decided once and for all, and they seem to expect the court to rule in their favor. On the other hand, conservatives argue that the Supreme Court has already ruled in favor of individual states deciding the issue of marriage for themselves.