Crosstalk: April 8, 2022


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Here’s your weekly selection of news highlights from the Round-Up broadcast:

–The Senate voted to confirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court.

–New evidence of atrocities committed against Ukrainian civilians prompted outrage around the world Monday forcing Western leaders to threaten even more punishing sanctions including a complete lockout of Russia’s vital gas industry.

–Monday President Biden called for a war crimes trial against Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

—On Wednesday the U.S. announced sanctions targeting Vladimir Putin’s two adult daughters and said it was toughening penalties against Russian banks in retaliation for war crimes in Ukraine.

–President Putin is reportedly using a body double to prevent an assassination.

–The United Nations General Assembly voted to pass a resolution to suspend Russia from the U.N. Human Rights Council in response to Russian forces alleged killing  of civilians in Ukraine.

–Amid growing evidence that COVID-19 did not have a natural origin, some experts are suggesting that the Omicron variant of the virus was also man made.

–The COVID-19 Omicron variant known as XE has been found in the UK.

–Dr. Peter McCullough, a  prominent internist and cardiologist who has frequently warned against mass vaccination against COVID-19, told Pennsylvania lawmakers during an early March hearing that up to 95% of American COVID deaths could have been prevented with early treatment.

–A U.S. Army doctor who suffered from a COVID vaccine injury was fired for informing his soldiers about potential side effects from the shot.

–A U.S. Air Force veteran who was initially denied a kidney transplant because of  his COVID-19 vaccination status, has located a hospital in Texas that will accommodate him.

–After a Texas judge ordered the Food and Drug Administration to accelerate the release of the data it relied on to license the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 two-dose injection, the latest documents reveal that the drug company hired about 600 additional full-time employees with plans to hire 1,800 more by June of 2021 to process the large number of adverse events they saw as early as February 28th of 2021.

–Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt have filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration for plans to end the Title 42 border control that helped stem waves of illegal immigration since 2020.

–Anticipating an unprecedented flood of illegal aliens resulting from the lifting of the Trump policy, Texas Governor Abbott announced Wednesday his state will provide border communities with charter buses to transport migrants to the steps of the nation’s capitol in Washington, DC.

–Yesterday White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed that President Biden is giving illegal aliens free, taxpayer funded smart-phones.


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Brannon Howse
WVW Broadcast Network



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