Crosstalk: August 16, 2022

Jason Woolford is the President and Executive Director of Mission Cry.

There is much troubling news surrounding us today. We see the unraveling of the constitutional framework of our government. We observe the escalating crime and violence, and morals are in a freefall. The breaking news alerts are going off: another shooting, another country at war, a government run amok.

As believers, we know our only hope is Jesus. We receive great comfort and encouragement from the Word of God amidst these troublesome times. God’s Word is a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path. God’s Word is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. It is God’s Word that tells us what is right, what is not right, how to get right and how to stay right.

But imagine what it would be like to not have a copy of the Scriptures; not to have available God’s Word, no pages to turn to in times of distress, and no verses to look at to soothe a hurting soul. Further imagine at the same time that the church to which you belong has no copies of the Scriptures, and your pastor has to rely upon his own knowledge of what he has heard preached. You say impossible?

We are so numb to what’s happening around the world. While we are still a land of plenty and we’ve got copies of the Scriptures all around us, there are many people around the world longing to have their own copy of the Scriptures. Just think how many different copies of the Bible are in your personal library let alone in your own home. Would you be willing to share from your plenty with those who have none? That’s the mission of the ministry we’re speaking with today who for over 65 years have been sending copies of the Bible around the world and making an eternal difference.

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Brannon Howse
WVW Broadcast Network


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