Crosstalk: August 27, 2013


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This crosstalk began with Vic reading from an essay written by Attorney Mat Barber of the Liberty Law School. The essay titled, 'Gay' Lawmaker to Christians: 'We'll Take Your Children' looks at Governor Chris Christie who recently signed legislation into law that bars licensed therapists from helping youngsters overcome unwanted same-sex attractions, behavior or identity. This legislation will force counselors to violate ethical codes because they won't be able to help clients to reach counseling goals. Barber's essay describes this as a type of enslavement of children whether abused or not because they will be subjectively tied to a sexual identity that they reject. In essence, Governor Christie is claiming that same-sex attraction is an immutable characteristic with no conclusive scientific evidence to back up his legislation. In fact, the American Psychological Association has admitted that there is no evidence to suggest that change therapy has any negative impact upon minors.

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