Crosstalk: December 23, 2021


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There’s so much going on that attempts to take us away from Christ.  Jim presented details concerning one such effort involving the Satanic Temple.  They’re attempting to mock Christmas via “artwork” at the Illinois Capitol rotunda to celebrate the satanic holiday, Sol Invictus.

Others are trying to introduce children to the occult via toys. One such effort involves the Magic Mixies Magical Misting Cauldron.  Using the concept of spells, children are encouraged to mix a potion in the cauldron to create their own pet.

Why is this significant?  As Jim reported, According to the Daily Wire, the number of people who identify as witches outnumber those who are Presbyterians according to a 2018 poll.

Sadly, what such people fail to realize is that one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. (Philippians 2:10-11

So how do your fellow VCY listeners feel about Christmas?  Find out when you review this special broadcast where the phone lines were open for those willing to share!


In 2016, WVW-TV began to urge our radio and television audience to prepare for increasingly uncertain times such as:

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  • massive increase in inflation
  • biological warfare and terrorism
  • an EMP attack from China, Russia, Iran, or North Korea
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Then, 2020 happened with the biological attack on America by Communist China through Covid-19. Finding hamburger meat, a can of soup, pasta, a can of tuna, and other basics became shockingly challenging.

Those who had mocked our organization for calling on our audience to prepare with an emergency food supply were no longer laughing at us. In fact, some of them began to order emergency food from our store.

I have enjoyed Mountain House food on camping trips going back to when I was in high school. I purchased 6 months of food for 5 people in April of 2013 for my family. Three and a half years later, Worldview Weekend became a distributor for Mountain House because we personally know and testify to the quality of the food and understand the need for families to have "food insurance" in an increasingly dangerous world.

Please go to

 to place your order while we have the inventory or go directly to this link:

Your purchase of emergency, freeze dried food will not only support your family, but you will also be supporting the continuation of WVW Broadcast Network and all our free radio and television programs through your purchase.

Brannon Howse
WVW Broadcast Network

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