Crosstalk: January 21, 2015


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This Crosstalk featured Paul Washer who originally became a missionary to Peru where he founded the Heartcry Missionary Society. Today he works at his home church in Alabama, but he also speaks periodically in other locations, as he did in February, 2008 at a VCY America rally.

The broadcast began with Paul discussing how the gospel has been reduced to a number of simple questions which include: Do you know you are a sinner? Would you like to go to heaven? Would you like to pray and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart? If the respondent prays that prayer, we then ask if he/she was sincere. If the respondent says 'yes' to these questions, we declare the individual to be born-again. Paul pointed out how this is not the gospel of Jesus Christ '...and that methodology and evangelism has done more to hurt this country than every heresy introduced by every cult combined.

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