Crosstalk: June 1, 2022


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June is “gay pride” month, however, there should be no “pride” in what God calls an abomination.  We see the devastating progression in Romans 1 where it’s noted that God gave them up to uncleanness, vile affections and to a reprobate mind.  Is it possible that this is exactly where we’re at in our society today?

Joining Jim to discuss some examples of this was Peter LaBarbera.   Peter is the founder and president of Americans for Truth.

How did we get to this point?  Peter believes it’s because we continually caved in and indulged the LGBTQ activists.  He also believes this has been a revolution of the media as well.  The LGBTQ movement has been hard to combat because the media protects the movement so you’re only hearing one side of the issue.

Below are LGBTQ related news stories from the first quarter hour:

  • The Biden administration has announced that K-12 schools must allow boys into the girls private area if they want to obtain federal funds for their breakfasts and lunches.  Establishments that accept any federal food funding must also allow males who claim to be females to be able to access the female private spaces (showers, bathrooms & sleeping areas).
  • The Maine Department of Education had a video introducing the concept of sexual orientation and gender identity to Kindergarten students.  While it has been pulled, Jim presented audio that communicates the radical nature of this indoctrination.
  • A North Carolina preschool is under fire because of a teacher using flash cards to teach colors while using LGBTQ themes.
  • A school district in Ohio is instructing teachers to begin the social transitioning of non-gender conforming students without knowledge or consent.
  • A Pennsylvania school hosts a drag show for kids without parental knowledge or consent.
  • Philadelphia teachers urged to attend a graphic sex conference.

There’s much more that’s mentioned/examined and you can become informed when you review this edition of Crosstalk.


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WVW Broadcast Network


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