Dr. John Whitcomb: August 11, 2014


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“The Genesis Flood.” That, of course, is the title of a classic book co-authored by "Encounter God’s Truth" teacher Dr. John Whitcomb back in 1961—a book that is credited as playing a major role in inaugurating the modern Biblical creationism movement. But much more importantly, it is a term that reminds us of the greatest global catastrophe that the world has seen to date. Do you have assurance that you will be saved from the coming judgment? We are studying “Creation Apologetics” in this new series, gaining insights into the Biblical themes of creationism and catastrophism. The same God who made the world also has the power to destroy it—and just as He did that once through the flood, so He will bring universal judgment again in the future. You can be prepared only by trusting in Christ—the Judge but also the Savior.

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