Dr. John Whitcomb: August 18, 2014


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A strategic partnership was formed in 1953 when John Whitcomb met Henry Morris for the very first time. Roughly eight years later, they would see the publication of their co-authored volume, “The Genesis Flood,” which would challenge the Christian world to re-evaluate long-held views that attempted to bridge the differences between a literal reading of Genesis and the teachings of evolution. Drs. Whitcomb and Morris wanted everyone to know that God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end! We continue this week on "Encounter God’s Truth" with Part 2 of “The Genesis Flood” in the series, “Creation Apologetics.” We want to thank Answers in Genesis for allowing us to bring you this material, recorded live inside Legacy Hall at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky. Join Dr. Whitcomb and host Wayne Shepherd for this dynamic broadcast.

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