Dr. John Whitcomb: January 26, 2015


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How are the people of God to relate to the people of this world who do not know the Lord? How would He have you to respond to their sinful behavior in light of His offer of salvation? Bible teacher Dr. John Whitcomb answers that question this week as we continue in Part 3 of his series called, “Zechariah: The LORD Remembers.” God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end. That certainty is reinforced in this program as we consider how the believers in Judah were to understand and associate with their pagan neighbors—in light of their past history and the prophetic future. Whitcomb Ministries presents this message with thanks to Middletown Bible Church in Middletown, Connecticut, where it was first offered to a Bible conference. Host Wayne Shepherd also encourages us to find reassurance in the reality that, “The LORD Remembers.”

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