Encounter God's Truth with Dr. Whitcomb: August 7,


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Consider “God’s Prophetic Clock” today on “Encounter God’s Truth,” as author and Bible teacher Dr. John Whitcomb completes his exposition of Daniel 9.
Dr. Whitcomb explains the intricate plan for the future that the angel Gabriel revealed to Daniel, telling us about six incredible events that were prophesied to take place during this time in the future of Israel, before the kingdom of Christ would appear.
This is all part of our continuing study called, “Daniel the Prophet—Triumph in Exile.”
At the conclusion of the message, host Wayne Shepherd asks Dr. Whitcomb to list some of his favorite resources that could help others in their study of these difficult sections of Bible prophecy.

God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end! How glorious to know that it provides the truth—even about future events in passages such as these.

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