John Loeffler: July 6, 2021


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Happy Independence weekend everyone!  It’s important to learn the truthful history of our country, but the prevailing leftist narrative today is that because some of our Founding Fathers were slave owners, any good that they accomplished is forgotten.  First up on this holiday show is Bill Federer (, President of AmeriSearch, Inc.  He gives an accurate account of the history of slavery in America: who held slaves, who initiated the abolitionist movement, and where the two political parties have stood on the issue throughout the years.  The narrative is that the U.S. is irredeemable because of our history with slavery.  What is often ignored is that we also got rid of it.

Much of the immigration debate today is centered around our southern border, but with the current administration’s proposed policies, should the focus be elsewhere?  We welcome back former U.S. immigration Senior Special Agent Michael Cutler ( to the program.  He asserts that because thousands of people are entering our country and then are bused away from the border, the U.S. needs to beef up interior enforcement.  A majority of the time, there are no interviews and no investigations done, which means random U.S. cities are seeing a sudden spike of new unvetted residents.

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