John Loeffler: March 16, 2020


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There is what's known as a black or white fallacy surrounding this coronavirus pandemic: it's either no big deal or it's the end of the world.  As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.  In this week's extended boralogue, John covers the facts, not the fiction, behind the disease.  He begins by accurately stating the medical truth of the virus and then pivots to the economic impact.


He is then joined by his better half, Carol Loeffler, to further explore how the coronavirus is affecting various countries financially on the global geo-economic chessboard.  They then examine the virus's influence on the oil markets.


Will this black swan event push us into a recession or could it also push us into a long emergency? John welcomes back to the program futurist and author James Kunstler (, who discusses the future of oil and shale production in the U.S., where transportation is headed, and the danger when crises like this threaten what we perceive as normality.


We finish off the show with Dr. Jenna Silakoski (, a physician in North Idaho, who gives a realistic on the ground view of the coronavirus and how she is handling it from a doctor's perspective.


John’s quote of the week:    

"In any crisis, the most important thing to remember is God understands and He will provide for us as we go.  You can ask Him for wisdom.  'Father, show me where to go and what I need to do.'  So let's move on and face this.  It's a challenge.  But God is always up to challenges."


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