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ADD and NYT On today’s show Pastor Mike talks about ADD/ADHD. Children and adults today are over medicated—we are a pill nation. Do drug companies make money when they sell pills? Do drug companies make money when they sell more pills? Pharmaceutical companies market very well, and as a result make billions of dollars. Pastor Mike looks at an article today from the New York Times titled: “The Selling of Attention Deficit Disorder “ by Alan Schwarz. Pastor Mike does not want you to stop taking your medication, but rather he hopes that you can look Biblically at the topic and have a conversation with your doctor about getting off the medication. You need to ask yourself, what is the role of drugs in Sanctification? Sola Scriptura—Issues need to be addressed Biblically, so how should we/can we look at ADD/ADHD in a Biblical manner? Listen in to find out!

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