Today's Show: Indefinite Military Detention. Today, Chris discusses an email he received about an article in an online publication called "The Daily Sheeple" about a bill going to Congress that would allow the American military to detain citizens without any charge or trial. Chris talks about this alarming story, and what we can do to let our voice be heard, especially writing our Congressmen expressing our concerns. This bill would allow the U.S. military to detain citizens without cause for an indefinite period of time, supposedly to help fight the "War on Terror." For more information, please visit
Noise of Thunder: November 29, 2011
Today's Show: Indefinite Military Detention. Today, Chris discusses an email he received about an article in an online publication called "The Daily Sheeple" about a bill going to Congress that would allow the American military to detain citizens without any charge or trial. Chris talks about this alarming story, and what we can do to let our voice be heard, especially writing our Congressmen expressing our concerns. This bill would allow the U.S. military to detain citizens without cause for an indefinite period of time, supposedly to help fight the "War on Terror." For more information, please visit