Rise of the Antichrist Part Two with Brannon Howse & Dr. Jimmy DeYoung


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Program Two: The Rise of the Antichrist, the Church of Rome and the One-World Religion. Topic covered in these four programs include: Will the Church of Rome be the headquarters for the one-world religion? How will the Antichrist use this women that rides the beast and when and why will he eventually turn on her? What is the difference between the spiritual Babylon of Revelation 17, and the commercial Babylon of Revelation 18? What will the characteristics will the antichrist possess? Who on the world scene today is helping to lay the foundation for the Anti-Christ and a one-world religion as predicted in Revelation 17 as the women that rides the Beast? Syria, Egypt, and Libya are becoming even more radical. Dr. DeYoung explains where and how these nations are mentioned in the Bible as coming against Israel. The Bible says Russia and Persia will come against Israel. Until 1936, Persia included the three countries of Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Pakistan has nuclear weapons and Iran either has them or is on the verge of having nuclear weapons and Afghanistan is turning more radical. The Anti-Christ will take the credit when God intervenes and protects Israel when Russia and Persia come against Israel. The Anti-Christ will then set himself up as god in the Temple in Jerusalem. For this to occur, the temple must be rebuilt. The priests have been trained, the robes have been made, the instruments have been created, and now the red heifer has been obtained from a breeder in Mississippi so that sacrifices might be possible. The Anti-Christ will also establish a one-world global economy based out of Babylon in Iraq. Babylon is being rebuilt and Iraq has a record amount of oil and is building an advanced communication system. The many of the things predicted in the Bible are coming into focus and the antichrist is soon to rise on the world scene.

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