When A Nation Does Not Listen to God


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Kay opens up God's Word and walks us through parts of Jeremiah starting with chapter 25 which should be a warning to America and to all nations that do not listen to God. Jeremiah spent twenty three years calling on the people of Judah and Jerusalem to repent from their sins. Jeremiah warned them that if they did not repent they would be overtaken by Babylon as God's judgment on to them. God is looking for men and women that will be as Jeremiah and call people to repentance and understand that God is a righteous judge that must judge sin. America's cup of iniquity has overflowed and overflowed and God will hold our nation accountable. America deserves to be judged but even so we must be about our Father's work. We must pursue righteousness, commit the Bible to memory, be involved in discipleship, and know God's Word. We are seeing the increase of the criminalization of Christianity and we must be prepared for the spiritual battle so we can lead the remnant in house churches if that is what is coming. God has a remnant just as we see in Jeremiah 42 and this can be the finest hour for the true church even if we lose it all, but only if we proclaim the Cross. So do not fear my little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. (Luke 12:32 NKJ). Do not fear any of the things which you are about to suffer…be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. (Rev. 2:10 NKJ).

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