WVW Second Hour 11-11-13


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WVW Radio 2nd Hour: Hear the audio of a Southern Baptist pastor declaring that the tithe is found in the New Testament. However it is not found in the New Testament but the Old Testament as the tax of Israel which was a theocracy. Hear this pastor say that some folks do not have intimacy with God because they don’t give 10% of their income to the church. How is this any different from Roman Catholicism and Word of Faith heresy? Hear this SBC pastor declare that not giving 10% of your income to the church is stealing from God. How can it be stealing when God owns everything we own? The Southern Baptist Press reported in 2006 that some of the opponents of the pastor claimed: his alleged refusal to disclose his salary, which they contend is nearly $500,000. If indeed this is anywhere close to an accurate figure then could this help one partly understand the push to have everyone in the church pony up 10% of their income? Topic: What does the Bible teach concerning the New Testament church and giving? Topic: To contrast the unbiblical comments by this SBC pastor; hear how John MacArthur responds when a lady during a question and answer time wants to know if she is required to tithe while she tries to get out of debt. How many pastors will say before their church what you are about to hear MacArthur say? Topic: Hear an audio from Dave Hunt on the unbiblical teaching of the tithe for the New Testament church and believer. Topic: Hear an audio of John MacArthur explain why the widow and mite story as detailed by Jesus Christ Himself is not something Jesus was praising but condemning. Topic: How is I Chronicles 21 often taken out of context by churches to manipulate church members? Topic: The Bible does teach of the need to support those that minster to you, and that includes pastors, but don’t let anyone manipulate you or take Scripture out of context to manipulate you into giving.

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