Grave Influence eBook

Grave Influence eBook

21 Radicals and Their Worldviews that Rule America from the Grave

This is it, the one book you need to read if you want to understand the big picture, connect all the dots, and understand current times, and future events and trends that will be unfolding. This ground-breaking book by best-selling author Brannon Howse is the result of thousands of hours of research over many years and is must reading for every teenager and adult. 

Brannon reveals how the worldviews of 21 dead people are still influencing every aspect of American life and vying for the hearts and minds of adults and students. Whether we are discussing, law, science, economics, history, family, social issues, education or religion, the people and worldviews seeking to further their agenda in these disciplines are almost always connected back to four major forces. Brannon reveals the connection between occultism/pagan spirituality, the apostate church, the educational establishment and government/corporations. 

Through this book you will come to understand the oppositions worldview, heroes, goals, strategies, masking terms, networks and targets. Those who share the worldviews of these 21 enemies of our constitutional republic and Biblical worldview do not want their agenda and its consequences to be revealed to the American people. Above all, they do not want us to equip and train our children and grandchildren with a Biblical worldview by which to recognize, reject, and fight against their seductive and destructive lies. This book will equip you to do just that as Brannon gives specific and pro-active responses you can take to make this the finest hour for the American church. 

Here is the list of twenty-one for which Brannon has dug up worldview facts you must know and prepare to oppose:
Saul Alinsky, Karl Marx, John Dewey, John Maynard Keynes, Aldous Huxley, Charles Darwin, Friedrich Nietzsche, Margaret Sanger, William James, Alice Bailey, Helen Schucman, Sigmund Freud, Alfred Kinsey, Benjamin Bloom, B.F. Skinner, The Frankfurt School, Soren Kierkegaard, Julius Wellhausen, Christopher Columbus Langdell, Betty Friedan and Roger Baldwin

Topics covered include:

Corporate fascism, sustainable development, the Third Way, global governance, dialectic process, the Delphi technique, the Cloward-Piven Strategy and deliberate chaos, community organizing, Fabian socialism, the federal reserve and a fiat currency, America's decline is Europe's gain, cultural Marxism, government mandated youth service, legal positivism, postmodernism, soft-despotism, higher-criticism, pagan spirituality, feminism, welfare-state capitalism, the false-dominate church, the Emergent Church, the spiritual battle for America, the United Nations and occultism, unmasking the one-world religion, the deconstructionists in the culture and in the church, psychological labeling of dissenters, behavior modification, a planned economy, the assault on parental authority, the two tracks to globalism, Keynesian economics, collectivism, similarities between America and Nazi Germany, national leaders are a reflection of the people, social justice, why the culture war is lost if the church goes weak, is God judging America?, When and why does God judge a nation?, the environmentalist/globalist connection, cultural revolution/sexual revolution, the right to die becomes the duty to die, the true purpose of the law, why the State wants the children, are we all God's children? And much, much more.

Sample some of the contents of Grave Influence through these short video clips of Brannon Howse speaking before 2,000 people at a Worldview Weekend Rally:


Grave Influence was released in November of 2009 and has received excellent reviews. As the author of nine books, Brannon has been a guest on nearly 1,000 radio and television programs and has been positively featured in such publications as the Washington Times as well as appearing on such television programs as The O'Reilly Factor with Bill O'Reilly on Fox News. Brannon's most recent book, Grave Influence: 21 Radicals and Their Worldviews Ruling America From the Grave, was an instant best-seller and was praised for its historical current analysis by such groups and individuals as Jim Fletcher on, David Noebel, Phyliss Schalfly, and numerous local and national talk-show hosts. Brannon is the host of the daily, live, national radio program Worldview Matters and is the host of The Worldview Weekend Hour which airs nation-wide on Monday nights on the NRB Network on Direct-TV, Channel 378 at 7 pm CT and again at 9 pm California time.
Sample #1: What The American People Don't Know Will Hurt Them
Sample #2 of Grave Influence: The Dangerous Worldview of Maurice Strong and Sustainable Development
Sample #4: The Emerging Third Way of Apostate Pastors and Globalist Leaders
Sample #5: The Worldview of a Nation's Leaders Reflect The Worldview of Many of Its Citizens

This is a MUST have for all Freedom focused American's. 

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