Dr. Peter Pry

  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: August 7, 2022

    Guest: Congressman Glenn Grothman and the late Dr. Peter Pry Topic: Congressman Grothman joins us to discuss the moral crises in America, the democratic party’s obsession with abortion and the LGBTQ agenda. The Congressman points out that far too many pastors in America are not speaking to the worldview war waging in America. Topic: Today Brannon plays the last audio recording of Dr. Peter Pry that he recorded days before his death. In his last radio program, that Brannon produced for Dr. Pry each week as a broadcaster with WVW Broadcast Network, Dr. Pry warned America about the threat to America from Russia and their Satan 2 missile. Then Dr. Pry warns about America collapsing from within from a corrupt and tyrannical federal government.