Black Reds

  • Brannon Howse: August 6, 2020

    Part 7: The Marxist Race War and Guerrilla Warfare Revolution Unfolding in America. Topic: Former high ranking black communist Manning Johnson warns Americans about what he called the “black reds.” These men were under the control of Moscow and were used to stop the advancement of black Americans and to set them up as cannon fodder in a designed race war. Topic: Learn how the term ghetto was redefined by the Moscow Marxists to define areas where blacks chose to lived together in order force a style of integration that would stop black Americans from organizing as investors and businessmen in a shared community of success. Topic: How and why was the title “uncle Tom” weaponized? Topic: How did the “Black Reds” and their Moscow Marxists set up conflict between whites and blacks in order to disparage capitalism and Christianity? Topic: Learn how the Moscow Marxists used the black newspapers to portray the reds as their saviors and blame white Christians for not doing enough to address the declared issues. Topic: Learn how former black communists that turned against communism and became American patriots were treated by the “black reds.” Topic: Learn about the six things the marxist leaders sought to convince black Americans of in order to render them victims and then enslave them in poverty and enrage them with hate that would lead to more racial divisions. Topic: We take your calls.