Vault Was GA State Senator Nancy Schaefer Murdered For Exposing Trafficking of Children Through The State's Child Protection Service? Was GA State Senator Nancy Schaefer Murdered For Exposing Trafficking of Children Through The State's Child Protection Service?
Vault J.J. Carrell Recaps his Experience Testifying in Front of Congress on Child Trafficking J.J. Carrell Recaps his Experience Testifying in Front of Congress on Child Trafficking
Vault Feds Have Imported Over 200,000 Unaccompanied Minors into the U.S, Placed Them With Non Family Members and Now They Have Disappeared Feds Have Imported Over 200,000 Unaccompanied Minors into the U.S, Placed Them With Non Family Members and Now They Have Disappeared
Vault Child Trafficking is a Bigger Money Maker Than Drugs and Gun Smuggling Child Trafficking is a Bigger Money Maker Than Drugs and Gun Smuggling