
  • Peace Behind Me, War in Front of Me

    The communist insurgency in America is not merely a local event. It is intimately bound up with a long-range revolutionary policy, based on an ever-evolving Leninist theory. This is something our experts and pundits have long missed. Communist China’s founder, Mao Zedong, was a Marxist-Leninist. On September 15, 1954, speaking before the First National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China, Mao stated, “The theoretical basis guiding our thinking is Marxism-Leninism.”
  • John Loeffler: August 24, 2020

    Whirlwind of important topics on this week’s show. First up, we welcome back defense and aerospace veteran Reuben Johnson who examines the geopolitics of Belarus, with their growing uprisings; Russia and its future; and China’s inroads into Eastern Europe with their Belt and Road Initiative.

    Back here in America, the far leftist crowd is determined to rid our country of the Electoral College. Trent England, Founder and Executive Director of Save Our States, discusses the effort to convert us from a representative government for everyone to, what he dubs, the “United Big Cities of America.”

    Science and medicine are supposed to be free of politics but it’s an election year so all the rules are out the window. Research writer Dennis Behreandt ( is back with us to look at the science behind hydroxychloroquine as well as the bad publicity it has received simply because President Trump lauded its use. It’s supposed to be scientifically – not politically – correct in the world of science.

    Next we travel to the Middle East with David Rubin, former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, who joins us from his home there. He looks at both the strategic and economic implications of the Israel-United Arab Emirates agreement, focusing on the constant threat from Iran and the financial benefits to the UAE of partnering with the Middle East’s only democracy.

    We wrap up this week with John’s analysis of the government criteria for future vaccine use and the ethical and legal implications in vaccine development and implementation.

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