Colonial Pipeline

  • Chris Pinto: May 14, 2021

    Chris discusses the current gas crisis across the East Coast as it is reported that a Russian criminal computer-hacking group known as “DarkSide” is now responsible for sabotaging the Colonial Pipeline system that provides fuel for states stretching from Texas to New Jersey. It might be interesting to note that four of the states affected were recently listed among the “top five” most free states in the union — states that people are fleeing to in order to escape left-wing policies. The impact on gasoline also serves the interests of radical environmentalists who have wanted to get rid of fossil fuels for years. Could this be just a coincidence? Also discussed is the testimony of more then “120 retired flag officers” who have called upon Americans to “save America” and to hold those currently in office accountable for their actions. The statement from these high-ranking generals and admirals says that our country is “in a fight for our survival” against the supporters of Marxism.
  • Peter Pry: May 12, 2021

    Did Russia Just Hack The Colonial Pipeline in the United States? Could Russia and China have worked together to send a message to America? Is America on the verge of a massive cyberwar with Russia and could Russia win that war? Banner