Flip flops of John MacArthur

  • Brannon Howse: July 29, 2020 (Hour Two)

    Why John MacArthur owes millions of patriots an apology and Dr. Andy Woods exposes MacArthur's numerous flip-flops on everything from social justice to the gospel to his dispensationalism and more. Topic: John MacArthur has spent over 20 years writing books, articles and delivering sermons that included hurling insults at conservative American patriots for what he denounced as their Christian activism. In fact, MacArthur has declared in his book, Why Government Can't Save You, that America's Founding Fathers sinned and violated New Testament principles when they founded America. MacArthur has written that no matter how cruel or unjust Christians must submit to governing authorities because they are ordained of God and thus to disobey them is to disobey God. MacArthur uses a twisted interpretation of Romans 13 and 2 Peter to come to this conclusion. In July of 2020, without any apology to Christian patriots to whom he hurled insults and names, and without any public retraction of his years of written and spoken propaganda and disinformation, MacArthur now practices the very thing he once condemned. Dr. Andy Woods is a seminary president, pastor and trained attorney. He joins Brannon to discuss the troubling contradictions in MacArthur's public ministry is marked by years of bad theology and flip flops that should have any thinking Christian questioning the discernment of John MacArthur. Brannon and Andy explain that as public figures we are open to having our books, writings and speeches challenged through the grid of what is true and what is not true and MacArthur has made his living largely doing this to others and thus he is open to the same examination. Topic: Dr. Woods calls on Todd Friel to show whether or not he is his own man and can stand on the courage of his convictions and rebuke John MacArthur for doing what Todd declared just last week was sin and even promoting anarchy.