Friedrich Engels

  • Inauguration Day: Utopia Limited or the Flowers of Regression

    Several decades after the devil’s own Friedrich Engels wrote that man “must now arrange the world,” Leon Trotsky argued that the Revolution must make the “collective man” into the “sole master” of all. And now, nearly a century after Trotsky made that pronouncement, we arrive at the inauguration of Joseph Biden. Look at him, before the Capitol, stepping into the shoes of George Washington. Behold this fraud, on old knees, personifying the “sole master” and “collective man,” with his dyslexic malapropisms and lapses of memory. Behind Mr. Biden, the eyeballs of Vice President Kamala Harris are excitedly glued to a banana peel under his left shoe. One thinks of Joseph Stalin and the ailing Lenin in 1922. If we listen, we may hear the mocking voice of Karl Marx citing Hegel’s comment that “all facts and personages of great importance in world history occur, as it were, twice.” Hegel forgot to add, “the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.”