Gold and Silver

  • Banking Crisis and the Road to Nationalization

    In a recent interview with TV host Brannon Howse, financial reporter Mike Weiner discussed the current state of the banking industry in the United States and the looming crisis that threatens to escalate into a nationwide catastrophe. Wiener sheds light on the government's role in orchestrating financial control and the potential consequences for ordinary Americans.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: April 7, 2022

    Topic: America’s Dollar Ponzi Scheme, Why It Will Collapse, Hyperinflation and Why Governments Suppress Gold Price and Lie About Real Rate of Inflation. Topic: How did the U.S. Dollar become the world reserve currency after World War II? Topic: Why did President Nixon close the gold window in 1971? Topic: Why does America’s financial system meet the legal definition of a Ponzi scheme? Topic: How is the price of gold surpassed by governments and why? Topic: When the dollar collapses what are some possible scenarios of how it will occur? Topic: What is real money? Banner