Even Leading Humanists Admit Humanism is a Religion Now that humanists clearly have the upper hand in public education, they recognize what is at stake and are scrambling to shore up their advantage. Dr
The Worldview Agenda Behind Values Clarification Courses By Brannon S. Howse Situational ethics and values clarification courses come with many titles: Quest, Pumsey’s Program, and Finding My Way, to na
The Connection Between Moral Relativism and Poverty By Brannon S. Howse America's origional Christian ethos has always taught that people are responsible for their actions and for their moral conduct
Strictly Speaking, Evolution vs. Creationism is Not a Scientific Debate but a Theological Debate By Brannon S. Howse If the research and theory of a group of scientists contradicts the Word of God, the error is with the scientists, not
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) And Darwinian Evolution By Brannon S. Howse Given that Adolf Hitler and Margaret Sanger fully embraced the worldview of Charles Darwin, at this point in our discussion it