Kamala Harris

  • Crosstalk: October 9, 2020

    –Senator Kamala Harris would not trust a Trump endorsed coronavirus vaccine–Biden’s plan to repeal the Trump tax cuts–Harris denied wanting to stop fracking in spite of past quotes in favor of banning it–abortion–accepting the outcome of the election–Harris references Abraham Lincoln when talking about the nomination of a Supreme Court successor and more.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: August 21, 2020

    Sam Rohrer, a former State Senator in the State of Pennsylvania, will join Jimmy DeYoung at the Broadcast Table today on PTIB. Jimmy and Sam will discuss the up-coming Presidential Elections: Why Joe Biden selected Senator Harris as his Vice Presidential running mate; how he made that decision; and is not a vote for Biden, a vote for the next two Presidents. Jimmy and Sam will conclude their conversation with some Biblical advice on how to make your decision on your vote this Fall.
  • Kamala Harris: Democrat Voodoo Doll – Talk About Her and Turn Into A Racist

    Democrats were like a cancerous mutation of skin rot even when they were almost palatable. Today they’ve metamorphosed in something far more damaging, i.e., a pernicious cabal of double standards.

    I offer into evidence the now darling Democrat devil doll Kamala Harris, whom one can observe as giving credibility to the character played by Julia Roberts next to Richard Gere sans “Pretty” preceding “Woman” in the title. In brief, a woman of low morals or in the case of Harris a woman of zero morals can gain political standing by trading adult favors with married political powerbrokers.
  • Crosstalk: August 17, 2020

    Here’s your weekly sample from a large number of stories Jim rolled out for the ‘Round-Up’:

    –President Trump announced yesterday that Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have agreed to a historic peace deal.

    –Kamala Harris has been selected by Joe Biden to join him on the Democrat ticket.

    –Biden described Harris as ‘a fearless fighter for the little guy’.

    –Video evidence of Planned Parenthood’s criminal conduct, which included profiteering from the trafficking of aborted baby remains through the illegal partial birth abortion procedure, was submitted to Harris during her tenure as attorney general.

    –NARAL Pro-Choice America supports the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris ticket to defeat President Trump and win big for reproductive freedom.

    –While Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris refused to defend Proposition 8 despite the fact that this was her job as top cop.

    –During her campaign for the presidency, Harris pledged to enact strict gun control legislation, even if Congress couldn’t get it done.

    –Harris, along with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, has introduced a new bill in Congress called the ‘Climate Equity Act.’

    –The Democrat National Convention next week will prominently feature some of its high profile LGBT members including homosexual former presidential contender Pete Buttigieg.

    –Biden said that if elected, all construction on the border wall with Mexico will cease.

    –Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota easily won her Democrat primary on Tuesday, setting her and the rest of the so-called ‘Squad’ of left-wing congresswomen on track to return to Congress next year in their respective, solidly Democrat districts.

    –Over 100 Republican members of Congress sent a letter Wednesday calling on President Trump’s administration to end tax deductions for abortions.

    –The Satanic Temple is holding a fundraiser to advance their pro-abortion agenda.

    –A 2 year old cancer patient was unable to go home or celebrate his birthday due to rioting and looting in Chicago that eventually targeted the Ronald McDonald House. Following the riots, Chicago Black Lives Matter defended the looting as an act of reparations for white supremacy.–More than 84,000 mail-in ballots that were disqualified in the June 23rd primary in New York, where 2 congressional nominations were just decided this week, underscores prospective problems posed by the universal mail-in voting being called for by liberal politicians for the November elections in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Sam Rohrer: August 13, 2020

    The Persecuted Church in America. Topics discussed include: Kamala Harris Chosen as Vice-Presidential Candidate. The Persecuted Church in America. Where Did it All Begin? Preparing the Church for Persecution.
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