Red-Green Axis

  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: September 11, 2023

    Guests: Anni Cyrus, Leo Hohmann, Usama Dakdok, Shahram Hadian. Topic: Did the globalists, marxists and Islamists work together to carry out 9-11 attacks? Topic: Twenty-two years ago the 9-11 attacks occurred and in 2023 Islam has grown drastically in America as it gains more freedom while Christians and patriots have lost a large number of freedoms. Topic: How are the globalists and Marxists and Islamists working together to destroy America and Israel?
  • Brannon Howse: October 27, 2020

    The Leftist Plan For 2020 Election Riots and The Parallels Between The Arab Spring and What is Happening in America Today. (Part 1) Guests: Arabic speaking Egyptian Usama Dakdok & Former Iranian Muslim Shahram Hadian. Topic: Hold The Line is the name of a group that is organizing to defeat President Trump by organizing a resistance movement and what they call civil resistance. Two of the players of this organization include Marium Navid and Kifan Shah that both wear an Islamic Hijab which is a flag of Sharia. Shah has worked with Muslim Brotherhood proponent and Islamic Jihadist Linda Sarsour. Navid is reported to have worked with the Los Angels chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) that is another name for Muslim Brotherhood. The Marxists have been taking the lead on the riots and attempt at revolution for many decades but now the Jihadis are taking a more public roll instead of staying in the shadows. Topic: Brannon, Usama and Shahram explain how the Islamists are working to carry out the same tactics as they did in Egypt during the Arab spring. Topic: The Disruption Project is another group working to bring chaos to the 2020 election and beyond. Topic: Shut Down DC is another group working bring revolution and chaos. Topic: Another group has a manual entitled: Stop The Coup. Brannon, Shahram and Usama discuss all these manuals and what is about to unfold in America. Topic: The Disruption Project includes the promotion of a handbook that discusses spiritual at the riots and protests. Brannon explains how the left is committed to spirituality that they mix with their Marxism just as Brannon wrote about in his book Grave Influence in 2009, Religious Trojan Horse in 2011, The Coming Religious Reich in 2015 and Marxianity in 2018.
  • Brannon Howse: October 28, 2020

    Topic: Robert Spencer tells us how the FBI in 2015 encouraged the attempted assassination of himself and Pamela Geller by working with known Islamic Jihadis. How has the FBI facilitated, encouraged and grown the Marxists-Islamic axis in America that is now openly writing reports on how they will carry out a violent revolution in America? Topic: While the corruption of the FBI seemed unbelievable in 2015, now in 2020 we know that the FBI turned a blind eye to reported child sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and broke countless laws when the FBI leadership on the seventh floor worked to carry out a coup on a sitting President of the United States as well as ran cover for the Biden, Clinton and Obama Crime syndicate.
  • Brannon Howse: January 21, 2021

    Guest: Iranian Born expert on Iran Shahram Hadian joins us to discuss what Americans can learn from the Marxist-Islamic revolution in Iran. Topic: In less than 24 hours of Biden being sworn in 32 are killed in 2 suicide bombings in Iraq. Topic: Brannon starts out the program discussing how Joe Biden spent the first 24 hours as President aggressively pushing the transgender agenda including appointing an open transgender to a post in his Administration as a health official. Topic: Joe Biden to reverse transgender ban in the military. Topic: Joe Biden’s Defense Secretary appointee speaks of cleaning out racists and extremists from the military. And what he is referring to as racists and extremists is conservatives. Topic: What role did the communists play in the Islamic revolution in Iran in the 1970s? What role did the black hat CIA deep state actors play in the Islamic revolution in Iran? Topic: What unites Marxists and Islamists? Topic: What happen within six months to the social justice students that helped to lead the Islamic revolution in Iran? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: August 17, 2021

    Guest: Shahram Hadian. Topic: Afghanistan Falls to the Red Green Axis and Islamic Fighters Resettled in the U.S. Through Humanitarian Trojan Horse. Topic: Biden Administration gives Afghanistan to China. Topic: We take your calls
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: September 11, 2023

    Guests: Anni Cyrus, Leo Hohmann, Usama Dakdok, Shahram Hadian. Topic: Did the globalists, marxists and Islamists work together to carry out 9-11 attacks? Topic: Twenty-two years ago the 9-11 attacks occurred and in 2023 Islam has grown drastically in America as it gains more freedom while Christians and patriots have lost a large number of freedoms. Topic: How are the globalists and Marxists and Islamists working together to destroy America and Israel? Banner