Secular Democrats of America

  • More on The Religious Far Left's Plan To Target Conservative Christians Using A Biden Administration

    The clear and undeniable reality we are facing is an unprecedented IN THE 2020 Presidential Election. Confusion and uncertainty abound. It is backed up by a massive, coordinated, and no doubt well funded propaganda effort which has all but taken over and eclipsed both the investigation of facts and free speech among media outlets and everyday Americans on their own social media. The arrogance of these organizations to censor free speech even extend to President Donald Trump and to his legal team and witnesses testifying before our courts.
  • Brannon Howse: December 14, 2020

    Guests: Mary Fanning and Trevor Loudon. Topic: Mary joins us to discuss the breaking news on the voting machines in Michigan that document massive voter fraud. Topic: Mary breaks the news on Worldview Radio that there is evidence that a second HAMMER software is in play and harvesting data and perhaps doing even more. Topic: Brannon reads from a plan by numerous Marxist Democrats calling for a Biden Administration to crack down on conservative Christians and churches. The plan also call on a Biden Administration to use the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security to “dedicate resources to deradicalization programs aimed at hate groups…” Topic: Trevor and Brannon discuss the radicals that wrote this plan, how it is calling for the destruction of churches and conservative non-profit organizations and the persecution and even re-education of conservative people of faith. Banner