
  • Jimmy DeYoung: December 7, 2020

    On a recent National Holiday, Thanksgiving Day, our attention was drawn to being "thankful". Thanksgiving Day is indeed a day of giving thanks for our many blessings. The exhortation from the Bible, both in the Old Testament and the New Testament, is that we all need to have an "attitude of gratitude". Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will have Dave James come to his Broadcast Table to discuss Thanksgiving and also look at the Biblical warning that "unthankfulness" is a sign of the end of times.
  • Crosstalk: November 25, 2020

    Have you given any thought recently that with all the turmoil in our nation how we’ve come to this point? Are you aware of the fact that the lack of expressing thanks (being unthankful) is characteristic of a society that is in a moral free-fall? Biblically speaking, this can be proven as Jim noted by reading from Romans chapter 1, 2 Timothy 3:1, Joshua chapter 24 and Judges 2:10. It’s from that foundation that Jim presented this edition of Crosstalk to allow listeners an opportunity to give thanks to God. Find out what your fellow Crosstalk listeners are thankful for when you review this special holiday broadcast!
  • John Loeffler: November 23, 2020

    Do we spend enough time focusing on Thanksgiving? In this classic rerun, we listen to Dr. John Whitcomb’s teaching on this timely question in a special holiday episode of our broadcast, “Encounter God’s Truth.” Basing his presentation on the gospel account of Jesus’ healing of 10 lepers, our teacher also took us to several other Scriptures that demonstrate the vital importance of giving thanks to the Lord. Host Wayne Shepherd also asked Dr. Whitcomb to expand on the emphasis that the Apostle Paul placed on thankfulness in the great passage in Romans 1. We pray that your Thanksgiving celebration will be richly blessed, and we are glad that you have chosen to make “Encounter God’s Truth” a part of it. May God help us all to look to Him during this holiday season.