
  • USA Today's Woman of the Year is a MAN: Worldview Report Transcript For March 18, 2022

    Candace Owens slammed USA Today's decision to include President Biden's transgender Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine among its nominees for 2022 Women of the Year.  The inclusion on the list of Dr. Levine, 64, who is the nation's first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the Senate, sparked a beatdown from Owens, who appeared recently on Tucker Carlson Tonight. 'What’s a woman? I'm confused,” she told Carlson, adding:
  • Crosstalk: June 25, 2021

    An incremental, systematic approach has been underway in the educational system for many years and its fruit is abounding.  20 years ago, many were shocked when VCY America learned that the Milwaukee, WI, public schools had a gay and lesbian advisory committee that met monthly.  
  • Brannon Howse: June 24, 2021

    A National Template of What is Unfolding. Topic: The Loudon County school board meeting erupts over not just critical race theory, also known as cultural Marxism, but also over the transgender agenda. The footage of their June 22, 2021 meeting has gone viral on social media and television media. Yet, very few of the media outlets are explaining why the parents, grandparents and taxpayers are rightfully upset and even expressing a righteous anger. A Virginia state law is calling on school districts to implement policies that allow so-called transgender boys to use the bathroom and showers of the girls. The law calls for teachers and students to be punished for not using the proper pronouns of a transgender. The law calls for schools to not question if a boy uses the girls bathroom and not to inform parents if their child is posing as the opposite sex at school. Any parent that does not support the transgenderism of their child is to be reported to Child Protection Services. Topic: We take your calls. 
  • Crosstalk: May 25, 2021

    You may recall growing up and hearing something so outlandish you thought, “What in the World?”  This is the latest in a continuing series of broadcasts that looks at news stories that can’t help but make you think the same thing.
  • Crosstalk: May 5, 2021

    An incremental, systematic approach has been underway in the educational system for many years and its fruit is abounding. 20 years ago, many were shocked when VCY America learned that the Milwaukee, WI, public schools had a gay and lesbian advisory committee that met monthly.
  • Crosstalk: November 19, 2020

    NBC News reported that voters in six states handed 8 transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming candidates victories in state legislatures. 3 of the nation’s current transgender state legislators won reelection.  At least 5 others, including an incumbent who was not previously ‘out’ as gender non-conforming, won on election day bringing the total to at least 9 once they all take office. Banner