Usama Dakdok

  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 07, 2023

    FBI Director Finally Admits Iran is Terrorist Threat to U.S. and They Interfered in Our Elections. CAIR-Hamas Leaders in U.S. Say Israel Has No Right to Defend Itself and America's Days Are Numbered. Documents Reveal Iran and Russia Planning Pearl Harbor 2.0 on Lower 48. Putin Meets with President of Iran and Leaders of UAE and Saudi Arabia as They Plot Death of U.S. Dollar
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) June 08, 2023

    Panel Discussion: Trump Indictment by Feds Proves U.S. Government Equal to Lawless Third World Dictatorship. Biden Regime Appoints Terrorist Tied Muslim Brotherhood Proponents to Protect U.S. Churches? Great-grandson of Fabian Socialist and Father of Social Gospel Movement Pushing LGBTQ Agenda on American Churches. China Building Spy Base in Cuba and EMP Threat Growing

  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 16, 2023

    Gordon Chang: China Strengthening Economic and Military Partnerships For Unrestricted Warfare. Leftists Open Borders to Islamists and Are Shocked They Attack LGBTQ Proponents .Michael Yon: China is Sending High Level Operatives into U.S. For War. General Paul E. Vallely on China Crashing U.S. Dollar. Banner