180 is Coming...

180 is Coming... –Ray Comfort<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Some atheists are getting a little nervous, because millions are going to see "180," think about their eternal destiny and what they believe about abortion, and do a 180. And we know what that means.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7xhCpAnxDs&feature=player_embeddedHere are just some of the endorsements from those who have seen the whole video:"Brilliant and powerful." Joseph Farah - CEO WND.com"Life-changing!" Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar - TLC's 19 Kids & Counting "Mind-blowing and unforgettable!" Randy Alcorn"Brilliant..." Kay Arthur"Riveting!" Joni Eareckson Tada"I am absolutely in awe at this!" Janet Parshall"This was a riveting presentation of historical precedent and logical deductions..." John Reynolds - Co-Founder SoldiersBibleMinistry.org"180 is brilliant! You can't help but be moved by it." Howard Conder - co-founder and host, Revelation TV"180 is the most gripping video I've seen this year." Penny Young Nance - President, Concerned Women for America"Very powerful...It will change lives." Larry Gatlin - American country music singer/songwriter "'180' is the most powerful production of its kind that I have ever seen." Allan Parker - President, The Justice Foundation"Amazing...really powerful and inescapably compelling logic." Dr. Carl Moeller - President/CEO, Open Doors USA "A life-changing message that will impact the nation." Bill Gothard"Incredible. It'll blow you away!" Jill Stanek"With one question, Ray Comfort shows how you can change minds, save lives, and awaken the conscience of a nation. Why hasn't anyone thought of this until now?" Dr. Frank Turek - Founder & President of CrossExamined.org"Powerful, disturbing...'180' is our wake up call." Francine Rivers - author of The Atonement Child"Absolutely amazing!" Abby Johnson - author of Unplanned"Totally incredible!" Skip Heitzig - Pastor, Calvary of Albuquerque"Truly revolutionary and inspiring!" K.P. Yohannan"Ray Comfort's bracing questions cut like a laser through all the mind-numbing...compelling those he interviews to grapple with life, death, and eternity." Dr. Kenyn M. Cureton - Vice President for Church Ministries, Family Research Council, Washington, DC"As one who was scheduled to be aborted, this astounding video struck me at my core that this is needed more now than ever. It is more than powerful...it is a vehicle of God's voice to this generation, and must be seen!" Ron DiCianni"Paradigm Shattering! A most powerful message that will change and save lives!" Johnny Berguson - Pres. Kingdom, Inc."You don't view this video. You experience it!" Garry T. Ansdell"After viewing 180 last night one couple wanted to invest in a couple of thousand copies, and give them away in the surrounding neighborhoods near our church." Trisha R. (TX)"Leaves you utterly speechless! 180 is going to change the direction of the nation." Stacy L. Massey - president, Abortion Recovery International"Riveting, shocking, jaw-dropping!" Allen Atzbi

Who Could Not be Happy About This?

Help pls! Would having an abortion for the 4th time be risky? Am 21 years old and am not ready to keep it.Best Answer - Chosen by AskerYes! It's ULTRA RISKY!!!!! PLEASE DON'T DO IT! Give it up for adoption!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please don't kill it! Please?!I had a kid that I wasn't ready for at the age of 13! I gave him up for adoption.. and he's such a handsome kid! I AM SO GLAD.. I didn't kill him. He's an amazing young man.. and he is so smart! Have you seen this new movie coming out? Watch it! It's crazy!CLIP #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7xhCpAnxDs&feature=player_embeddedCLIP #2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxou1UADa4E&feature=player_embedded►"Abortion is Legal because babies can't vote!" ►"If it isn't a baby, then you aren't pregnant, so what are you aborting?" -Authors Unknown►Did you know this?In the U.S. If you destroy an Eagle's egg (that's an embryo) it is a federal crime punishable by more than 10 years jail time and a $250,000 fine. Destroy a human embryo and it is federally funded.Asker's Rating:Asker's Comment:Thanks a lot everyone. Am gonna keep the baby.http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110908234104AA872tJ

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