1st Prize For Being Feedback of the Week.

Starting this week and each week, Christian Worldview Network will pick a few of the most thought provoking, right on the mark, best of the best feedback. This husband, father, and former youth leader gets 1st Prize for "Best Feedback of The Week."
Topic: Ryan Dobson's Promoting of .xxxchurch and the video they are pushing.
40 year old man from Stillwater, MN
I don't claim to know all that this "ministry" stands for, does, or intends to do. I take nothing from its potential impact on people and that God may use it, IN SPITE OF ITSELF, to reach the lost - or those Christians who have been caught in this sin. Ryan Dobson, by supporting this ministry, could not - and I repeat - COULD NOT - stand before a group of teenagers (or their parents) and show the "missionarypositions" video in its entirety, without editing the most vile, suggestive scenes or pictures. So, why support it? There is NOTHING in this video that tells people why or how they should turn from this sin - GOD. It is quite simply an autobiography of [their] journey to see this "ministry" off the ground and the obstacles, low points, struggles and such that go along with starting something new - and then the "upswing". Where they totally miss the point is when they show the very stuff they are supposed to be fighting. So, what's that say about this video? What's that say about this aspect of their outreach? Could this particular "tool" be wrong? Parents aren't always with their teens at these conferences, yet these teens are being encouraged to go visit this so called "church's" website (where by the way, they get linked to this appauling video). Let's not turn a blind-eye to this video, in particular, and defend all that they do. The arrogance of assumption here is striking. I wrote Craig Gross (founder of this "church") and suggested he SIMPLY REMOVE THE PORNOGRAPHIC PICTURES AND GROTESQUE SCNESE that take place (leaving one's mind to wonder)but leave the other journey, etc. material - his response? He posted my e-mail as "hate mail". God's rebuke for someone who acts like this and turns a deaf hear to sound "iron sharpens iron" consel is that such a person is an absolute - FOOL! These men are emersed in this smut and have quite honestly become numb to what even the slightest of pictures or actions can do to in fact draw someone into this sin - for the very first time perhaps. We need to take some sound advice: don't watch this video, for one; secondly, ask Gross and his "followers" to stop showing this video. Ryan Dobson needs to ask how much good comes from teens seeing this garbage.

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