A Fake" Pro-Life Bill
Some pro-lifers do not realize it yet, but we are all very fortunate that a fatally flawed "Fetal Pain" bill did not pass a U.S. House vote late last year.
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That's because this was a "fake" pro-life bill. 
It failed the first test of pro-life legislation – provided certain conditions were met, it concluded with "and then you can kill the baby."  It violated God's enduring command, "Do not murder!" 
The best part of the bill required abortionists (on their own "good faith"!) to inform mothers that the procedure will cause their baby to feel excruciating pain.  As you can expect, if a mother could imagine her unborn child experiencing pain, she would be less likely to seek the abortion. 
But after revealing the awful reality of abortion, leading the mother away from her decision to abort, this particular bill (sponsored by Rep. Chris Smith, R-NJ and Sen. Sam Brownback, R-KS) provided "a way out" – anaesthesia for the baby to keep it from feeling pain.
That last provision reverses and perverts the whole intent of fetal pain legislation!
First, the bill reveals the reality of abortion, which might actually make the mother change her mind about the abortion.  But then it alleviates her concern, and eases the conscience of the mother so she thinks she's free to go ahead with the abortion without consequences!  This was really just "humane dismemberment" legislation.
National Right to Life and most of its affiliate organizations supported the bill because of the "Fetal Pain" wording.  But Colorado Right to Life (CRTL) and other steadfast pro-life organizations opposed it because it's always wrong to kill, with or without pain medication!
A true pro-life bill upholds life, makes no concessions, and gives no ground to the murderers. 
This bill was so anti-life that even the pro-abortion group NARAL didn't oppose it!  The text reads as if a pro-abort wrote it.  It refers to "the good faith of the abortion doctor," and would have written into law the "right" to an abortion, provided certain conditions were met.  This was legalized murder, masquerading as compassion.
In an attempt to dissuade supporters of the bill, CRTL President Brian Rohrbough debated Steven Ertelt, President of Wyoming Right to Life, on the radio show Bob Enyart Live (KLTT AM 670 at 3:00 weekdays – you can find a link to the debate on his website, KGOV.com).  Ertelt spoke on behalf of National Right to Life which, as with most state chapters, supported the legislation.
Mr. Ertelt, like many who have given in to incrementalism, was unwilling to subject the bill to critical thought.  Having invested in compromise, he refused to concede even the most reasonable criticism.  He knew that acknowledging even one flaw could cause his entire facade to fall.
Most significantly, he would not accept any possibility that some mothers would choose abortion, rather than life, if they knew pain medication would keep their baby from feeling pain during the dismemberment. 
Jo Scott, a veteran sidewalk counselor who helped save more than 100 moms from going through with abortions last year, said pain medication would definitely convince many women to go ahead and have the abortion.  And one listener, from <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Indiana, wrote to say that his hometown newspaper had already recommended anesthesia as a reason to keep late-term abortions legal.
Supporters of "compromised incrementalism" like Ertelt are in denial – they even now will not consider any possible consequences. 
I must certainly recommend that concerned pro-lifers should go to KGOV.com to listen to the debate.  And then go to ColoradoRightToLife.org, and read their no-compromise pledge.
If you agree with Rohrbough that pro-life legislation must be written with God's commandments as a guide, please sign the pledge.  Moreover, no matter where you live, you should consider joining Colorado Right to Life to make a statement. 
As far as I know, Colorado Right to Life is the only state chapter of National Right to Life that opposed this heinous compromise.  A group with the righteousness to stand up for right, even when everybody else is wrong, deserves your support!


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