
Abominations!  <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
"'Do not pollute the land where you are. Bloodshed pollutes the land…" (Numbers 35:33a);
"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil" (Is 5:20a);
"A perverse heart shall depart from me;
I will not know wickedness." (Ps 101:4);
"For all who do these things are an abomination to the LORD…" [referring to people who favor child sacrifice, idolatry, witchcraft, etc…]  (Deut 18:12a).
We try to report news events and analyze them from what we believe is God's perspective based on what He says in the Bible.  Below are several current events which I believe God considers "abominations" which, according to Numbers 35:33 (see above), "pollute the land":
1.      Rick Warren's Followers Give Pro-Abortion Candidate a "Standing Ovation" For some reason which baffles me, Rick Warren keeps asking presidential candidates to speak at his forums.  Some are ardent supporters of abortion and homosexuality which should disqualify them from being invited to speak at Christian meetings, much less receiving a "standing ovation".  This candidate's deep commitment to abortion and homosexuality is well known.  According to Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association, "This serves to raise [this candidate's] profile as a legitimate presidential candidate in the eyes of evangelical Christians… [which] is a huge error…[because these] political stances are contrary to biblical teaching."  
What are the spiritual considerations? 

    1. Rick Warren seems to be enamored with political stars.  Drawing positive attention to people whose fruit is wicked in God's eyes is dangerous, especially if you are the famous leader of a large flock.  Ever heard of false prophets?  (See Matt 7:15-16)


    1. The people who attend <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Warren's meetings seem to be very "dumbed down" biblically.  Given the candidate's love affair with child sacrifice and homosexual marriage, how can any true believer pay attention to anything such a candidate says, much less give a standing ovation (especially after ridiculing abstinence as an approach to AIDS)?

Christianity is in deep trouble when its leaders lead people astray, far from true biblical understandings of God's Ways. 
2.      Democrats Endorse Ramadan; Diss Christmas.  Let's get one thing straight – Islam is a false religion.  There is "only one way" and its not by way of Allah, Muhammed, the Koran or jihad.   Jesus is the one and ONLY way (see John 14:6). 
Endorsing Ramadan celebrations is, in God's eyes, IDOLATRY (Exodus 20:3-4, the first and second commandments).  59 Democrats could not bring themselves to approve a Resolution which stated the obvious, that Christmas is "a holiday of
great significance to Americans."  Instead, nine Democrats, noting the onset of Ramadan, praised Islam as one of the "great religions of the world."
Likewise President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice opened both the White House and the State Department for Ramadan celebrations. (See article – "Dems: Amen to Ramadan, but forget about Christmas.")
What are the spiritual considerations?  When the national leaders sin (in our case it's more serious because "we the people" voted them into office), the entire nation is led to commit these sins and suffer more of God's Wrath as a result (remember Bill Clinton's immorality and what's happening to our culture now!) [ For example, see Jeroboam, 2 Kings 15:9 & Manesseh, 2 Kings 21:11]
So, when our elected leaders (including President Bush who has praised Islam and allowed Ramadan events to be held in the White House) endorse and encourage  IDOLATRY, God is not pleased, because He is "a jealous God" who wants and deserves ALL our love, thanks and worship (See Ex 20:5; Deut 5:9).
3.      The USA Bullies Israel to Give Up More Biblical Land to Jihadists.  As we noted a few weeks ago (see our Alert of Nov 21 – Danger: Urgent Prayer Needed to Foil Annapolis Meeting), God judges those who try to "divide" the land He gave to Abraham and his descendents as an "everlasting possession" (See Gen 17:8). 
Well, we are still at it, publicly rebuking Israel for trying to defend herself and encouraging her enemies with billions of dollars.  These enemies, led by Hamas terrorists, daily fire rockets into southern Israel, killing, maiming and terrorizing peaceful Jews. 
How can anyone make "peace" with people who vow to destroy them? 
Why are President Bush and Condi Rice so determined to divide Israel's land?  Certainly they know the character and goals of the jihadists they are supporting (I have been informed that the President knows about the prophetic warnings and the consequences of "dividing the land"; he seems to have chosen to ignore them).
So, we keep bullying Israel.  It appears to be Condi Rice's greatest "crusade".
What are the spiritual consequences for the Nation and the individuals involved?  The Lord warns: 
a.      Israel is "the apple of My Eye"; WOE to those who "touch" her; He will shake His Hand against them (Zech 2:8-9); WOE!;
b.      Those who seek to "divide up My land" will face severe "judgment" (Joel 32);
c.      "As you have done (to Israel), so it will be done to you" (Obed 15). 
Other relevant articles:
U.S. We support Israel's right to defend itself against Qassams
U.S. joins rebuke of Israel
Hamas threatens a new uprising
Well, the three "abominations" listed above are only a small sample of what's happening here at home and worldwide. 
As we approach Christmas we must give thanks to the Lord for the Birth of Jesus.  Obviously millions of people and their leaders are enslaved by ungodly goals, lusts, deception and idolatry.  But, we give thanks to Him for sending Jesus through whom we can know the TRUTH and enjoy PEACE. 

Join us in Prayer!
"Lord, thank You for sending Jesus.  We REPENT for how casually we treat Him.   
"Lord, will you spread the knowledge and love of Jesus worldwide?  We need to know Your GRACE, TRUTH, LOVE and PEACE! 
"Come, Lord!  We need You!  In Jesus' Name, Amen!"


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