All-American Muslim: A Programmed Deception

All-American Muslim: A Programmed Deception By Daniel Greenfield On November 14, 2011
Ten years after the worst terrorist attack in American history, the Muslim terrorist is almost entirely absent from movies and television shows. He will show up on the evening news, when there's no way around it, but when it comes to entertainment, the American TV viewer is fed a steady diet of movies and shows featuring positive depictions of Muslims. And that's not just liberal bias at work.
I have written about Unity Productions in the past and its pernicious PBS propaganda machine, and another UPF project is MOST (Muslims on Screen and Television) which partners with a number of American useful idiot groups to promote positive depictions of Muslims on television. Another force working toward promoting Muslim propaganda on television is the Muslim Public Affairs Council's Hollywood bureau, which helped reshape 24 from a show concentrating on the War on Terror into Muslim propaganda. MPAC began life as a Muslim Brotherhood project. Its attempts to control American television programming are in line with the Brotherhood's mission.
Seen against that backdrop, All-American Muslim, the new unreality show meant to promote the myth that Muslims are just another minority fully integrated into America with the same goals and dreams as the rest of us, is part of a larger agenda. The one that gave us Aliens in America and HBO's Koran by Heart.
All-American Muslim cuts to the chase pretty quickly with an American undergoing conversion to Islam. While the show tries to present members of its Dearborn Muslim families as individuals and non-conformists, in the final analysis Jeff, an Irish-American who wants to marry in, must conform and submit to Islam. When Jeff pronounces the Shahada, proclaiming that there is no god but Allah and turning his back on his Catholic faith, viewers are supposed to celebrate.Click here for complete article:


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