With all due disrespect Mr. President!

With all due disrespect Mr. President!
By JB Williams
The official state of our union is disarray… thanks almost exclusively to you and your less than American belief system and equally anti-American cohorts in congress.
Had your elitist political friends not forced banks to make bad loans under your Community Reinvestment Act, which labels banks not willing to make bad loans "racists," the mortgage industry would not have made bad loans and the securities the government sold, supported by a book of bad Fannie and Freddie backed loans, would not have ended in financial calamity for the entire US economy.
But to suggest in your state of the union speech - "With all due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that, I believe, will open the floodgates for special interests, including foreign corporations, to spend without limit in our elections." – after coming to power on an unprecedented and vulgar amount of corrupt international special interest funding, is just plain insulting!
You spent more to become president than any president in US history, more than four times your opponent, and every penny of it came from "special interest groups," more than $200 million of it from still unknown overseas sources.
You said it right here - "I don't think American elections should be bankrolled by America's most powerful interests or, worse, by foreign entities." But you sir, are the Messiah of funny money in politics, the king of the sludge fund cesspool. To even suggest otherwise, makes you a bold-faced liar as well!
You won't even release your college records so that people know who paid for your very expensive Ivy League education, much less disclose to the American people the source of hundreds of millions poured into your quest for power.
If you want to attack special interest funds in politics, you had better begin with the biggest offenders of all…
Since 1989 – the single largest special interest donor group has been the labor movement. When they say "workers of the world unite," they ain't kiddin'… Six of the Top Ten biggest political war chests belong to the labor movement, accounting for more than $188 million in campaign donations, not counting related 527 and PAC contributions, 99% of it given to Democrats.
There is no larger special interest group in American politics today, which explains why Obama's idea of "creating jobs" as if pulling a rabbit from a hat, is limited to government funded projects given to union bid only contractors.
But running a close second are trial lawyers, who also give more than 96% to Democrats happy to allow trial lawyers to destroy the constitutional republic for purposes of profit. Then we have the big finance guys like Goldman Sachs, which gave over 80% of their donations to Democrats since 1989.
In fact, not one of the Top Ten special interest groups in the United States today tilts towards Republicans.
So, when Obama is accusing the high court of allowing huge sums of funny money to enter politics, he must be talking about Democrats and their long history of huge sludge funds from the biggest special interest donors in America.
George Soros is a household name in the states and much of the world. He is famous (or infamous) for not only making money by breaking the backs of little people and threatening to bankrupt national currencies, he's also known for using his billions to influence elections like no other political donor in world history.
Where is the Republican/Conservative George Soros?
We know Soros, Peter Lewis of Progressive Insurance wealth and Hollyweird mogul Steven Bing, all of whom spend huge sums in support of the international socialist movement aligned with the Democratic Socialists of America and the labor movement DNC.
But who are the conservative BIG MONEY folks? Where are they? Where are those Friends of Abe Hollywood conservatives when it really counts? How far down the list of BIG special interest donors do we have to go before we find big special interest donors behind the Republican Party?
Here's the answer to that question – The American Medical Association of doctors and nurses rank #15 on the list of special interest donors and they give 60% to Republicans since 1989 – to the tune of $26 million.
But you have to go all the way down to #35 on the list to find a heavily RNC special interest donor, the National Rifle Association at $17.3 million since 1989, 82% of it given to Republicans. Of course, 94% of gun control lobby funds are used to finance Democrats.
A full list of the BIG special interest money in politics is available here.
So, with all due disrespect Mr. President - - just how stupid do you think the average American voter really is sir? (Besides socialists, I mean…)
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JB Williamswww.JB-Williams.com[email protected]www.FreedomForce.us


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