America's Security is NOT The First Thing On The Minds Of Most of Our National Leaders

<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America's Security is NOT The First Thing On The Minds Of Most of Our National Leaders  <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By Brannon Howse
I think the evidence is now overwhelming that national security is NOT foremost in the minds of most of our national leaders. Their actions have led me to believe that national security is not what the war in Iraq has been all about because if it were, why would we: 
·        Have halted the building of a border fence between American and Mexico?
·        Only check 1% of cargo ships coming into the U.S. as to their contents?
·        Not be screening ALL contents being shipped on America's commercial aircraft?
·        Have watched as President Bush signed an Executive Order that is allowing Mexican trucks to come over our border without being checked as to their contents?
·        Sit by and do nothing about 20 million illegal aliens here in the U.S. not knowing who they are, where they are, and what they are doing -- much less if they are terrorists?
·        Have rushed to build the U.S. Embassy for the Middle East in Bagdad that has cost over one billion dollars?
·        Have watched the George W. Bush Administration argue before the U.S. Supreme Court against his home state of Texas and in favor of the globalist and their international courts to the detriment of the U.S. Constitution and our national security? Thankfully the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against President Bush.    
We are spending $12 billion per month to free Iraq, secure their borders and make them safe for democracy yet our national leaders have left our country at great risk.
We are at risk because our leaders are not really concerned about national security or because they don't have the courage of their convictions to make the tough decisions no matter how unpopular with the liberal media and no matter how politically incorrect. 
With 20 million illegal aliens in our nation, and known terrorist sleeper cells, is this really the time to weaken the 2nd Amendment? Yet, as Larry Pratt reported on our website, President George W. Bush recently allowed his Solicitor Paul D. Clement to argue before the U.S. Supreme Court that any and all guns can be controlled or banned if a federal court finds that to be reasonable restriction or ban. The brief he filed asserted, with no proof whatsoever, that there is an "unquestionable threat to public safety that unrestricted private firearm
possession would entail.."  Is this what is best for our national security? Is this not the time to keep America's men armed so they can defend their families and the homeland?
Now to add insult to injury, Bill Gertz has revealed that the leaders of America, who are not leading, are now printing passports overseas instead of here in the U.S.A. These are not just any passports but passports with sensitive computer chip technology that if obtained by our enemies can be used to produce counterfeit passports. Is this in the best interest of our national security?
Our Constitutional Republic is rushing toward socialism and a financial meltdown while we try to spread "freedom and democracy around the world." We can not and should not be the policeman of the world. One of the factors that lead to the fall of the Roman Empire was that they went bankrupt fighting all over the globe.
U.S. Senator John McCain gave a speech on March 26, 2008, that has clearly revealed that his first priority is not America's national security. Mr. McCain, like most of the Democrats and Republicans in D.C., are more committed to the multinational business titans and special interest groups than America's interests.
In his speech McCain made it clear he wants America to get the a-o-k from the international community before we act in our own best interest and comply with the U.S. Constitution. As McCain said:
Our great power does not mean we can do whatever we want, whenever we want, nor should we assume we have all the wisdom and knowledge necessary to succeed. We need to listen, we need to listen to the views and respect the collective will of our Democratic allies. When we believe international action is necessary, whether military, economic, or diplomatic, we will try to persuade our friends that we are right. But we in return must be willing to be persuaded by them.
Is this what is best for our national security?
Do you wonder where McCain stands on the North American Union being pushed by President George W. Bush and his State Department? Guess no further, McCain is all for merging the United States, Canada and Mexico into one Union. In his March 26th speech McCain said:
Relations with our southern neighbors must be governed by mutual respect, not by an imperial impulse or by anti-American demagoguery. The promise of North, Central, and South American life is too great for that. I believe the Americas can and must be the model for a new 21st century relationship between North and South. Ours can be the first completely democratic hemisphere, where trade is free across all borders, where the rule of law and the power of free markets advance the security and prosperity of all.
Security and prosperity?  Interesting choice of words McCain. For those who do not know, Security and Prosperity Partnership is the name of the plan to merge Canada, America and Mexico into the North American Union. Do you think this is what is best for America's national security,  the American people and American wages?
Thomas Stict, who was at one time the president of Applied Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences, Inc. in San Diego, California and a member of the U.S. Department of Labor's SCANS (Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills) testified before the 101 Congress and confirmed what the social engineers really desire:
Many companies have moved operations to places with cheap relatively poorly educated labor. What may be crucial, they say, is the dependability of a labor force and how well it can be managed and trained- not its general educational level, although a small cadre of highly educated creative people is essential to innovation and growth.
A North American Union will not be good for national security but it will turn us into a third world country of dumbed down cheap worker bees that are easily controlled.
I really wish we could elect national leaders that did not use national security as a smoke screen to fund their globalist agenda while putting our national security at great risk.

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