Amnesty Bill: Will Borders Really Be Enforced?

Amnesty Bill: Will Borders Really Be Enforced?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Do you believe God cares about borders, boundaries, and "landmarks"?  Yes, I can say emphatically that He does!  In fact, He establishes them all:
"And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings." (Acts 17:26 – emphasis mine)
Rush Limbaugh on Monday told his audience that conservatives INSTINCTIVELY know there is something absolutely wrong with the Immigration/Amnesty Bill which President Bush, Ted Kennedy and John McCain (strange bedfellows?) are trying to ram through the Senate as fast as they can.
Those who raise legitimate question about the Bill are excoriated as "racists", "nativists", "restrictionists", etc.
I believe Rush is right!  Personally I have smelled something terribly wrong about this so-called "compromise" from the outset.  So, I have set out to find information for us in order to truly grasp "what's happening."  In fact, quite a bit is happening which we are not being told!
Today, I will begin to link you to articles written by people I have come to respect.  One by one they will open our eyes to some of the sad truths imbedded in the Bill. 
One of the most important questions and doubts many people have is – "Will the 'enforcement' provisions ever be enforced?"  In this regard, I submit to you a column by Cal Thomas who says:
"I wish I could believe the president and those senators who claim their agreement on immigration legislation will 'fix' the problems of open borders and illegal aliens. I can't, because the public has had no input into the measure."
"Only after the border is secured, say the senators and White House, will the guest-worker program kick in. Again, I wish I could believe this, but when it comes to immigration, I don't trust either party. It's a safe bet that once the U.S. government legalizes the illegals, many will not abide by the conditions. What then?"
"Many who broke our laws to get here will be allowed to stay.  A new immigrant category called the 'Z Visa' will be introduced."
"'Z Visa' holders can remain in their 'Z' status indefinitely, meaning they never have to pursue a 'pathway to citizenship.' They would also be allowed to get Social Security numbers and benefits from some welfare programs."
"Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh predicted last week that if the Senate draft legislation becomes law 'there is an 80 percent chance that Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States ... we are doomed in '08.' He predicted this would be 'the last straw as far as the Republican base is concerned in being able to trust Republicans that it elects to represent them'"
"The stakes are enormous, for the country and for the future of the Republican Party. It's not worth passing this measure just so both sides can claim 'victory', if the victory is a Pyrrhic one. (emphases mine)"
Please take time to read Cal's very informative column. (See Camouflaged amnesty - Commentary - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper)  <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Cal is a patriotic Christian Conservative.
More to come!  Stay tuned!  We are fighting for our country! 

Join Our Prayer!
"Lord, we see that you care about borders because you established them.  Our borders are threatened.  We look to You for HELP, Lord, for the help of man is useless!" (Ps 60:11)

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