Article: Interview With 19 Year Old Marcus Schroeder Arrested For Reading The Bible at Drag Queen Event in Watertown, WI

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In a shocking incident that has gone viral, Marcus Schroeder, a 19-year-old student, was arrested for exercising his First Amendment right to freedom of speech and religion. Marcus was peacefully preaching the gospel and reading the Bible on a public sidewalk in Watertown, Wisconsin, near an LGBTQ drag show event. The arrest has raised questions about the criminalization of Christianity in America, prompting discussions on religious freedom and equal treatment under the law.

The Incident:

Marcus Schroeder, a teenager from Waukesha, Wisconsin, traveled to Watertown, Wisconsin, to peacefully protest against a Drag Queen Story Hour and Pride in the Park event. The gathering included drag queen performances and dances in front of young children, raising concerns among various individuals and organizations, including religious groups.

Marcus and a group of over 100 protesters, many of whom were teenagers, gathered outside the event to share the gospel and voice their opposition to what they perceived as a sexualized display in front of children. Marcus calmly read from the Bible, specifically Galatians 5, which speaks about love, service, and the fulfillment of the law through love. However, his attempt to exercise his right to free speech was met with forceful opposition from the police.

The Arrest:

As Marcus began using a small amplification system on a public side walk, outside of the barriers to the LGBTQ-Drag Show event. Marcus was there with some friends to share the gospel and express their concerns over the Pride in the Park event.  Watertown police officers approached him and arrested him without explaining why and without any kind of warning. 

Without any prior warning, an officer approached Marcus and forcibly ripped the microphone from his hand. He was subsequently arrested and charged with amplification without a permit and resisting arrest. The video does not show resisting arrest but Marcus said the officer told him that Marcus tensed his muscles and thus that constituted resisting arrest. Despite his young age and peaceful behavior, Marcus was held for about an hour before being released with a warning not to enter any Watertown Parks for the next two weeks.

Discriminatory Treatment:

One of the most troubling aspects of the incident was the apparent discriminatory treatment of the protesters by the police. Witnesses reported that while LGBTQ individuals engaged in disruptive behavior, such as stealing signs, and harassing protestors expressing their Constitutional rights, no arrests or citations were issued to them. In addition, police stood by watching as witness report that children had been given dollar bills to give to the drag queen dancers. Numerous people report that the actions of the drag queens was sexual in nature and crude and very likely in violation of state laws. In contrast, Marcus and others were arrested for peaceful protest and reading from the Bible.

In the aftermath of the incident, questions were raised about the police's role in protecting public safety, especially when young children were exposed to explicit content during the event. Some argued that the officers' failure to enforce city ordinances related to the protection of minors from sexually explicit conduct amounted to negligence of duty.

Legal Implications:

Marcus is exploring legal options and has received offers from law firms willing to take on his case. The incident has sparked discussions about the infringement of First Amendment rights and whether the police's actions constituted false arrest and violation of equal protection under the law.


Marcus Schroeder's arrest while peacefully exercising his right to freedom of speech and religion has ignited a debate on the criminalization of Christianity in America. The incident raises concerns about equal treatment under the law and the protection of minors from sexually explicit content in public events. As Marcus awaits his court date, his case has become a rallying point for those advocating for religious freedom and the right to peacefully protest in the public square.

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This article is sponsored as a public service of the Worldview Weekend Foundation. Thank you for your contribution to so we can continue to offer this FREE service.

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