Atheist Comments on the Death of my Friend...

Atheist Comments on the Death of my Friend...Ray Comfort <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

"Do you ever miss a chance to use a tragedy as an excuse to proselytize? It is rather unbecoming to mine the grief and pain of others looking for material for a sermon.""Nice morbid picture of the bicycle. Why didn't you just get his autopsy photos and post it on here. That would be much better for your fear-mongering preaching style.""That video is a great example of Ray Comfort once again showing himself up for the parasite that he is.""You claim he's a friend and yet you exploit his death in order to spread lies and deceit. You're despicable Ray.""Jack LaLanne just died too Ray. What kind of ghoulish sermon can you come up with for that?"You asked for it, so here it is: Jack Lalanne died this week. He is the father of the fitness guru's, who emphasized the importance of regular exercise and of juicing. For years I wondered if he would keep his great physique and his good looks (because of his disciplined lifestyle), but he didn't. He lasted an amazing 96 years, which is pretty good. But one of my neighbors made it to 100 years and she didn't work out, loved fried eggs, white bread, cake, donuts, candy, and she drank unfiltered water. My son-in-law's dad is going strong. He's not at all into health food, and I filmed him recently dancing at his 100th birthday party. Arnold Schwarzenegger [EDIT] said that Jack Lalanne "left the world a more healthier place." That's a nice thing to say about him, but I wonder what he meant. Two thirds of <?xml:namespace prefix = u1 />America's population are overweight (fat), and more than a third of American adults are obese (really fat). So, should we drink juice and work out for two hours a day? Not me. I ride a bike for 8 minutes each day, and I down half a glass of carrot juice. That's all I'm doing to extend my life. I took to heart the bumper sticker that said, "Eat Right, Exercise, Die Healthy." Instead, I go by humanity's Instruction Book: "For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come" (1 Timothy 4:8).Jack Lalanne worked out for two hours a day, even into his 90's. He once boldly said of the evangelist Billy Graham, "Billy Graham's for the hereafter. I'm for here now." Not any more.Pic. 1. Publicity photo of Jack LaLanne, 1950.Pic. 2. Jack LaLanne receives a Lifetime Achievement Award on September 3, 2007 during a ceremony at Muscle Beach in Venice Beach, California.

An Atheist's Question...

"Ray will it be possible to sin in Heaven ? Why or why not?" IagoI don't believe that God created Adam with the capacity to sin "because He didn't want him to be a robot." The argument that love must be a choice, and that's why God gave Adam a free will, doesn't hold water with me, although many believe that. Obviously, we will not be able to sin in Heaven. The Bible makes it clear that nothing evil will enter the Kingdom of God. No liar, no thief, no adulterer, etc. If that's the case, why will we then not be "robots" for eternity? It would seem that that God is going to have something non-robotic. So why then didn't He do that in the beginning, with Adam? It sure would have saved a lot of suffering and pain. I don't have an answer, and I'm fine with that. Although, I'm sure that you won't be happy with that. That's because you lack trust in God. I have plenty and it will carry me through until I will get an answer to every question I have. That will happen on the other side of death.You don't have trust in God, but you do have trust in Darwin's theory, your professor's words, scientist's beliefs, atheism, modern evolution, dating systems, history books, planes, and of course your own fallible judgments. So, transfer that trust to your Maker and He will give you everlasting life. But make sure you genuinely repent before you do so, or nothing will happen. You can be sure of that.

Racial Prejudice...

"China...China...China... Ohh that's right, China! That's the country where shark's fin soup is known to have cancer curing properties, among many other potent medical and health benefits! Yeah, they're an overall reasonable bunch... ~ Cheers!" Garbanzo Beans!!! It's amazing that you write off 1.3 billion people because you think their medical practices are foolish. Did you know that the FDA approve drugs that come from stranger things than shark fins? Did you know that many Westerners swear by broccoli, cabbage, mustard greens, garlic and turnips as cancer cures? Yep, the Chinese should sit at the U.S. and Canada's feet (your country) and use maggots and leeches in medicine.[1] "A new study, which will feature in the International Conference on Biotherapy being held in Los Angeles, has established that using maggots, leeches, and intestinal worms as an alternative to the pills may cure infections and allergies. The research has been headed by Dr Ronald Sherman, an ex-infectious infection expert at the University of California in Irvine."[2] But let's talk more your country, Canada. That's the place where you can mix up Sheep Sorrel herb, Turkey Rhubarb Root, and Slippery Elm Bark for a cure to cancer.[3] Canada also says "A simple inexpensive four herb tea that cures cancer? Even AIDS maybe? This has been a critical concern since Essiac tea was introduced in Canada during the early 1920's."[4] Ohh that's right, Canada! That's the place where maggots, leeches, tea, etc. cure cancer. I think you are exhibiting the same closed-minded prejudice that will clearly shut you out of the Kingdom of God…unless you soften your hard heart. NOTES:[1][2][3][4]

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