Atheists' Ironic Preoccupation

Atheists' Ironic Preoccupation – Ray Comfort<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

"Did you see the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life released the results of a survey showing that Atheists an Agnostics know more on religion than...Well the religious. especially the Christians? Just curious to your take on this since you have dealt with our kind for awhile." Caveman73The survey showed that atheists are more preoccupied with God than the average uncommitted church-goer. For them, it's not a one-hour once-a-week thing. It's 24/7. Atheists think, write, talk, and text about God. They put up billboards, make DVD's, and write books about God. They religiously gather together and confirm each other's beliefs about how God doesn't exist. It's a kind of infatuation that could even be termed "religious zeal" by psychology. This preoccupation with what they believe is non-existent, exists because atheists have nothing to do. They have no purpose in existence, and this gives them one. If God didn't exist, neither would they. They hang around Christians like little bugs around a warm camp-fire. I have been bugged by atheists for years, but have developed an immunity to their jabs of poison. I've become as thick-skinned as a not-quite-ripe banana. To be honest, I enjoy their presence. In more than three years of blogging, I have only had to swat two of them. Come to think about it, I don't think that I've ever met an atheist I didn't like.

The Promise of Immortality

"Ray, can you provide some proof that Muslims don't have as deep a relationship with Allah as you do with Jesus Christ?" Deb. I have spoken to many Muslims, as well as studied their religion, and can tell you that they don't have any assurance (as does the Christian) that they will make it to Heaven. For the Muslim, the decision of Heaven or Hell will be made by God on Judgment Day. Ask them yourself and you will find that they have no idea where they will spend eternity. That's why they strive to do religious works, because their salvation is based on human effort, rather than on the grace of God. The Christian's relationship with God, however, (his peace, joy, gratitude, love for God, etc.) is build on trust in His promise that because he trusts in Jesus, he is forgiven, and therefore has everlasting life. It has nothing to do with doing any religious works. Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, without any works. Good works issue from his faith, but they have no part in his salvation. We are saved because of God's goodness, not ours--because we don't have any. A Muslim has no such promise of immortality. You probably won't see this as as any sort of evidence because it's theological in nature. Still, what evidence could I provide that would convince you? The issue comes back to subjectivity, as does almost everything in this life.

Media Bias?

There is an interesting parallel between the 33 rescued Chilean minors and the rescuing of lost sinners. The Bible describes the state of the unsaved--"without hope;" "in darkness"…waiting for death to come. But in Jesus Christ, we are "translated from darkness to light" and given a "living hope." Jesus "came down" and rescued us from the cursed, stale, lifeless grave of a very dark world. I can't express the joy I have had from the moment I, by the grace of God, burst into the "glorious light."Of course the miners didn't feel that way about God; not from what a bias media told us:

Can't...or Won't See

"Captain Howdy said...Ray explains to us that--For those who think that this is a mistake in the Bible, "Levi" is another name for "Matthew." People in those days went by different names, as they do today--Bob and Robert, John and Jim, Chuck and Charles, etc. Ray, Ray, Ray...What am I gonna do with you?? "John" and "Jim" are NOT the same name, genius. But I just bet you're absolutely right about everything else you tell us, like evolution is a lie, falling is a violation of the law of gravity, Jesus is coming back..." are right. My apologies. It's Jack and John. BTW. Regarding my calling gravity a "law." Some time ago I quoted Steven Hawking saying that gravity was a law. I guess you didn't see it. You may deny that gravity is a law that can be broken. But if you violate its precepts and jump from 10,000 feet without a parachute you will think you are right, until you hit the ground. It's the same with the Law of God. I'm sure you will stubbornly hold onto your belief that you haven't violated it until the moment you die, but then it will be too late. Regarding the Second Coming of Jesus. Keep one eye on <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Israel and its surrounding nations. What is going on there is an elephant sitting on your nose, but I guess you can't see that either. Finally, evolution isn't a science. It's a belief on a par with fairytales of frogs turning into princes. It just takes longer. It is a theory for the believing simple masses--for those who have a ton more blind faith than any Christian.

I Almost Met the Professor...

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