Back from New Zealand


Back from New Zealand-Ray Comfor<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />t <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

How can you demonstrate that you love someone? You could buy them an expensive ring. I'm sure that would help, because it's tangible evidence of a sacrifice. Still, it comes back to belief. If the person you love chooses not to believe that you love them, there's nothing you can do about it.I was in New Zealand recently at a university where local Christians had organized a debate between myself and an atheist. Just before it started a tall outspoken man named Ryan enthusiastically approached me and said something like, "I'm honored to meet you. I have watched your videos on the Internet, read your material, and here I am actually getting to meet you. I am really excited about this debate." As he was walking back to his seat I called out, "Which side are you on?" and he replied, "I'm against everything you stand for."During the question-time Ryan asked some good questions. The next day he showed up at another meeting at which I was speaking, then he listened to me again, for another hour or so at a church service. Afterwards, we chatted, I signed a book for him, we had our photo taken, and he even helped on the book table. I really cared about Ryan and was pleased to hear him say at the end of the evening, "Man, why are you so likeable!!!" The fact that he could feel my love and concern for him was more powerful than any argument I could give him for the existence of God. Some of you who are atheists read everything I write as if I write in hatred. Yet I love and care about you. If I could have lunch with you, I would, and I would gladly pay the tab. But if you refuse to believe that, I can't do anything about it.You accuse me of making money from the sale of my books, but did you know that I have preached open air more than 5,000 times and never been paid? I do that because I love people and care where they spend eternity. If I didn't care, I wouldn't bother with preaching, blogging, producing a TV program, or writing Christian books. I had a very successful business before I became a Christian and could have made a good living, but I chose to spend my life pleading with people like you to consider where you will spend eternity. So think about my motive, and then please think of God's motive for the cross: "But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us" (Romans 5:8, Amplified Bible). That's the ultimate sacrifice. It's up to you to believe it.

One wage packet you don't want to collect

"Hey I just saw your new billboard on the 105 near my house. Thanks for clarifying for me that it is illogical to believe that things don't just come from nothing 'magically.' Seriously, how can milk and honey just exist? Their mere existence proves that God exists since everything has a creator. I have one concern though, based on your logic. Who created God? Did He just magically appear? According to what your arguing, it's silly to believe that. I mean, everything has a creator right? Things don't just magically appear out of thin air. So who created God? Or is your brand of logic only applicable against what you disagree with? Thank you for solidifying my beliefs." Atheists often plead ignorance when it comes to the Initial Cause--as to what came before the Big Bang. Whatever it was that created the material for it to take place, had to be non-material (therefore free from the law of entropy), as well as dwell outside of the dimension of time (time logically demands that everything has a beginning and an end).The Spirit of God qualifies for both (see Genesis 1:2). He is spirit (without a material body). He created time and is therefore not subject to it (revealed in the perfectly fulfilled Messianic prophecies).You are right when you say that nothing "magically appears." God is eternal--without beginning and without end, but He is also perfect in holiness. So whatever you do in this life, make sure you are right with Him because you don't want to collect your due wages (see Romans 6:23).

Keep it Simple

"You march ahead unchanged, repeating the same falsehoods. I'm not talking about reasonable differences in interpretation, I'm talking about outright misinformation (such as the bizarre idea that male and female have to evolve separately for each species . . . " EuphimistIt's difficult not to be repetitive with accusations such as the above. But here goes. There are an estimated 1.4 million species on the earth. Each species has both male and female (not counting worms and a few others). Let's believe that each species did evolve. Let's then zero in on the giraffe. After the big bang, there was a pre-giraffe animal. Millions (perhaps billions) of years pass until today, and now we have a male and female giraffe. Evolutionists believe that the two didn't evolve separately. Such a thought is "bizarre." I know that you think I am intellectually slow, so please be patient with me and explain to me in very simple terms where you believe the female giraffe came from, and then explain how and why the other 1.4 million species ended up with both male and female. I look forward to your comments.

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