"Barack, You're No Jackie Robinson!"

"Barack, You're No Jackie Robinson!"<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
"Even a child is known by his deeds,
Whether what he does is pure and right." (Prov 20:11)
One of the most eminent black intellectuals in the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />United States is Walter E. Williams.  For years he has been Professor of Economics at George Mason University and is a nationally syndicated columnist.  When he speaks and writes, we should all pay attention!  At 72 (I just turned 73) he is obviously a wise man; as a black conservative in a sea of arrogant white leftists, he is certainly very courageous as was Jackie Robinson to whom he compares Sen. Obama.
[By the way, I was in Philadelphia in 1947 and went to see Jackie play his first game against the Phillies; he was such an exciting personality and performer that I became a Brooklyn Dodger fan and remained so until they abandoned Brooklyn and moved to Los Angeles; as such, I feel somewhat qualified to echo Professor Williams' assessment of Jackie's qualities and the lack thereof of Senator Obama.]
Here are some excerpts from Professor Williams' very interesting commentary:
 "For the nation and for black people, the first black president should be the caliber of a Jackie Robinson, and Barack Obama is not. Mr. Obama has charisma and charm but in terms of character, values and understanding, he is no Jackie Robinson." "Mr. Wright's racist and anti-American ideas are by no means unique. They are the ideas of many leftist professors and taught to our young people."
"[Obama's] Philadelphia speech demonstrated his clever style where he merely changed the subject. The controversy was not about race. It was about his longtime association with such a hatemonger and whether he shared the preacher's vision." "Mr. Obama's success is truly a remarkable commentary on the goodness of Americans and how far we've come in resolving matters of race."
"Mr. Obama has convincingly won primaries in states with insignificant black populations. As such, it further confirms what I've often said: The civil rights struggle in America is over and it's won." "The fact that the civil rights struggle is over and won does not mean there are not major problems confronting many members of the black community but they are not civil rights problems and have little or nothing to do with racial discrimination."
"While not every single vestige of racial discrimination has disappeared, Mr. Obama and Mr. Wright are absolutely wrong in suggesting racial discrimination is anywhere near the major problem confronting a large segment of the black community."
"The major problems are: family breakdown, illegitimacy, fraudulent education and a high rate of criminality. Confronting these problems, that are not the fault of the larger society, requires political courage. And that's an attribute Mr. Obama and most other politicians lack."
(Entire article here: Readiness crucible)
Brethren, in these Alerts about Sen. Obama I hope you will come to understand how unfit he and his wife are to occupy the White House. [Note: we have long ago established that fact about the Clintons.]
From the research to which the Lord has led me, my perspective is identical to that of Professor Williams:
"[In] terms of character, values and understanding, he is no Jackie Robinson!" (emphases mine).
Brethren, aren't these traits that we want in a President?  Do we want a president who willingly associates with ardent racists, hatemongers, liars, anti-Americans, abortionists, radical anti-Semites, socialists, Hamas-lovers and hypocrites (more about the latter in an upcoming Alert about Rev. Wright's extravagant $1.6 million palatial house in a gated community which Sen. Obama apparently approved since he has stayed in the church and has not publicly disassociated himself from it)?  
Relevant articles:
Church builds mansion for Obama's former pastor
Obama's Former Pastor Getting $1.6M Home in Retirement 

How to Pray:

  1. That the Lord will continue to expose any and all wickedness in the lives of all the presidential and other candidates (John 3:20);


  1. That the Lord will not give us the political victors we deserve and seem to want, but rather men and women of character and godliness whom we can admire and trust (Ezek 18:5-9).

[Please forward this to others who are concerned about our nation and truth, righteousness and justice.]

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