The BARBARIANS and "Staying Home"<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Dear Brethren:
If you are thinking of "staying home," you may not be familiar with the consequences if the Liberal/Leftist/Godless/Media elites get to run things in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Washington, D.C. Here is a list of some of the things the BARBARIANS would like to do, all of which would displease God (not in order of importance):
·           ABORTION will be protected and all efforts to curtail this abomination will NEVER see the light of day;
·           HOMOSEXUAL matters will be advanced and their so-called "rights" will be exalted;
·           TAXES will be raised and used as a weapon against corporations, individuals, prosperity, investors, marriage, etc.;
·           ISLAM will be protected and allowed to enlarge its territory within our borders without much scrutiny;
·           APPEASEMENT will be the "weapon of choice" in the war against terrorism;
·           INTELLIGENCE GATHERING will be hamstrung, all in the name of "civil liberties";
·           IMPEACHMENT of the President and criminal indictments of members of the Bush Administration will be rigorously sought;
·           WAR will be declared on Christians/conservatives organizations and/or spokesmen (e.g., Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Fox News, Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, etc.);
·           CONSERVATIVE NOMINATIONS to the Federal Bench will be mocked, ridiculed, humiliated and never brought to a vote.
If you wonder how I can so confidently assert God's displeasure with the above, here is a list of Scriptures which will justify my statements: Ex 20:4-5; Lev 20:13; Jdgs 3:15; 1 Sam 8:11-22; 2 Chr 20:1-30; Ps 89:149; 94:21; Pr 29:2; Is 61:8; Mk 10:42.
So, are you ready to be complicit in the above actually taking place by "staying home?" If you are a professing Christian, please pray and think about the consequences if Bible-believing patriots refuse to vote for men and women who will take Biblical stances on these issues and many others.
The BARBARIANS are at the gates, poised to destroy what is left of our God-given nation and the Judeo-Christian culture our forefathers bequeathed to us.
Please PASS this along to your list, PRAY for the Elections and VOTE for Godly candidates.
From your concerned, yet hopeful, Watchman in Washington, D.C.,
Harry Valentine, CHPA Founder/Publisher
Please Join Us in Dedicated Daily Prayer:
·        Father, God of Righteousness & Justice, INTERVENE!
·        EXPOSE every Evil Plot. SWEEP AWAY the schemes of the ungodly.
·        May the American People, especially the Church, refuse to be fooled or intimidated. May Your people ARISE, PRAY & VOTE. In the Name of Jesus, Amen (2 Sam 22:26-27; Job 5:13-17; Pr 28:18; Ps 7:9-17; Is 47:10-11).

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