Brannon Howse Quoted in Article: They're doing it: U.N. makes its move into your school

Program already operating in hundreds of U.S. locations

Posted: August 10, 20109:10 pm Eastern
By Michael Carl© 2010 WorldNetDaily

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The Brown Academy of Chattanooga, Tenn., the 3,000th International Baccalaureate World School
The agenda of the United-Nations-funded and -run International Baccalaureate Curriculum is making massive inroads into America's public schools, with operations already established in more than 1,000 locations.
Worldview Weekend President and Founder Brannon Howse says the program is trying to train American students to embrace an anti-Christian worldview.
"This U.N. curriculum is extremely hostile to Christians. It's hostile to American values and ideas and very big on humanism, redistribution of wealth, and very big on pluralism and that all religions are equal," Howse told WND.
Howse says one of his radio program's listeners is frustrated that there is no outcry from the public.
Here's the instruction manual on an alternative to public schools, in "You've Decided to Homeschool, Now What?"
"The man wrote me an e-mail, and he said, 'It's crazy how we're not informed and how so many parents, Christian parents, are shuffling their kids into these programs thinking it's a good thing, a positive thing," Howse said.
Howse points to the program's objectives that say the entire curriculum is shaped by the U.N.
Click here for complete article:


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